A Better Way to a Healthier Minnesota

Juniper is Minnesota's community care hub, a statewide network of 40+ organizations that connects aging adults with services such as grocery delivery, transportation, wellness education and more. By connecting community organizations, healthcare providers, public health organizations and health insurers, we help older Minnesotans take charge of their health and bridge the gap between medical and social care.

Community care hubs are a national model championed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Administration for Community Living that aim to build the infrastructure necessary to align clinical care and social care. These hubs combine health care with the social supports we all need to thrive—healthy food, access to transportation and socialization to name a few.

Juniper is poised to improve health outcomes across the lifespan. By sharing administrative resources and collecting data for effective outcomes, we minimize costs and yield millions in healthcare cost savings annually.

A graphic of the state of Minnesota

Community Care Hub Legislative Request

Last year, we introduced a bill in the Minnesota legislature that would fund an expanded community care hub in Minnesota for years to come. Community care hubs bridge the gap between healthcare and social services to create the best possible community health outcomes. Though we were successful in receiving a small planning grant, we fell short of obtaining a large investment in this vision.  
We are returning to the Capitol this year with greater momentum than ever before. Initial bill language has been submitted to both the Minnesota House of Representatives (HF 709) and Senate (SF 554) with bipartisan support. If your organization would like to join our growing list of supporters (see below), contact Mark Cullen at mcullen@trellisconnects.org.

Juniper Community Care Hub Capabilities

  • Coordinated social care for Minnesotans across the aging services spectrum: Meal delivery, disease education classes, transportation, and 15 other home and community based services.
  • Expanded service offerings: community-based organizations can focus on service delivery while consolidating administrative requirements into the hub.
  • Public/private partnerships that shift the burden of cost from state government and community members to risk-bearing entities.
  • Centralized and efficient administrative functions to make it easy for people to access multiple services
  • A single point of contact for older adults and caregivers as well as care providers and payers. 
  • Funding streams for community-based organizations to attract more providers to the care network.

The Juniper Community Care Hub isn't a new initiative—it's just a new name for the work we've been successfully doing since 2016. This is similar to what happened in 2022 when Juniper was recognized by the CDC as an Umbrella Hub Organization under a different name, but the mission and efforts remain the same.

Trellis, as the backbone organization for Juniper, has been aggregating and supporting community-based organizations (CBOs) across the state, managing network risk, providing essential business services like marketing and data management, and ensuring that payments reach CBOs. The term 'Community Care Hub' is just a fresh way of describing this well-established model of coordinated care and support.

Our Results

More than 30,000 Minnesotans have participated in Juniper health promotion programming since 2018. They report feeling stronger, less isolated and better able to manage their health as a result of their experience. 9 out of 10 participants say they would recommend Juniper to family and friends.

The Juniper Community Care Hub at Work: Diabetes Prevention Program Umbrella Hub Arrangement

In 2022, Juniper established a Diabetes Prevention Program Umbrella Hub Arrangement (UHA), the only arrangement of its kind in Minnesota. Through the UHA, Juniper offers the national Diabetes Prevention Program as a Medicare benefit. Juniper network community-based organizations host the program throughout Minnesota, and Trellis handles the necessary requirements of the UHA, including healthcare contracting, compliance and claims management.

This unique arrangement ensures community-based organizations are compensated for providing the Diabetes Prevention Program, while individuals take part in a program proven to be effective at lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes.  

Join the Juniper Community Care Hub

We invite community-based social service organizations to join Juniper's Community Care Hub. If you provide services to older adults and caregivers, we want to hear from you! Contact Mark Cullen, vice president of strategy and business development at mcullen@trellisconnects.org.

Community Care Hub Partners and Supporters

Download our list of supporters and partners (pdf)

ACE Brain Fitness, LLC
AfroCare Services, LLC
Age Well Arrowhead
Aitkin County CARE
Allina Health
Alzheimer’s Association
Minnesota-North Dakota Chapter
Annandale Care Center
Anoka County Community Action Partnership
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency
CAP Agency
Centro Tyrone Guzman
CommonBond Communities
East Side Neighborhood Services
Faith Community Nurse Network of the Greater Twin Cities
Family Service Rochester
The Good Acre
Granite Falls Living at Home Block Nurse Program
Hennepin Healthcare
Inter-County Community Council
Jewish Family Service of St. Paul
Karen Organization of Minnesota
Korean Service Center
Lake Region Health Care Corporation
Lao Advancement Organization of America
Live Well at Home Network

The Lodges
The Long-Term Care Imperative
Metro Meals on Wheels
Metropolitan Center for Independent Living
Minnesota Home Care Association
Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging
Normandale Center for Healing &
North Memorial Health Care
Northwoods Partners
Nygard Fitness
Open Arms of Minnesota
Pillsbury United Communities
Residential Providers Association of Minnesota
Sabathani Community Center
Senior Community Services
Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity
St. Anthony Park Area Seniors
Touchstone Mental Health
Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc.
United Community Action Partnership
VINE Faith in Action
Wedum Shorewood Campus, LLC