
2021 Falls Prevention Awareness Week Presentations


Falls are not inevitable. Most falls can be avoided. To mark Falls Prevention Awareness Week, September 20 through 24, 2021, Juniper held free online sessions. They are chocked full of good information and tips to help you reduce your risk.

Stones balanced on a larger rock

Falls Prevention Awareness Week Kick-off - Watch video
This 60-minute virtual presentation will launch the Juniper network’s Falls Prevention Awareness Week events. Learn about NCOA’s online Falls Free CheckUp and tips for reducing falls. We’ll also include a brief overview of the key statistics and importance of falls prevention for older adults with an emphasis on how COVID-19 impacts physical activity and isolation—linking to fall risk issues. Presenters: Dave Fink and Sarah Blonigan.

Preventing Falls and Dementia  - Watch video
When caregiving for someone with dementia, preventing falls is critical — for both the caregiver and care recipient. Learn about special considerations when managing falls risk and preventive steps that you can take to avoid the damage falls can initiate. Presenters: Jen Rooney and Gina Marsalla.

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance Info Session - Watch video
Do you want to improve your balance? Are you interested in trying Tai Ji? Join us for an informational session to learn more about Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance. Try some movements and discover how this class can help you improve your balance, prevent falls and maintain your independence. Presenter: Alisa Tomett.

Stepping On: Tools for Preventing Falls - Watch video
What role do vision, exercise and medications play in fall prevention? It turns out, a lot. Hear from an expert panel on how community safety, exercise, and medication management can help you in preventing a fall and have the opportunity to have your questions answered. Panelists: Rachel Von Ruden, Juniper Provider Manager; Cheryl Lanigan, RN, Stepping On Class Leader; Eva Norman, Doctor of Physical Therapy; Marypat Habermas, Doctor of Pharmacy; Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office.

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