
Flourish: Easing Arthritis during Arthritis Month


Did you know that 47% of Minnesotans have arthritis? Source: CDC.

Five tips for a regular walking routine

For those with arthritis, there are lots of benefits to walking. It strengthens the muscles around your joints, helps to maintain your bone strength, improves your balance, gives you more energy for your day and makes it easier to sleep well. Many believe that exercise will make their joint pain worse, but that isn't the case. Lack of exercise actually makes your joints more stiff and painful, while movement helps to keep your bones and muscles strong.To improve your chances of keeping a regular walking routine, try these five strategies: 1. Find a buddy. Commit to walking with a friend to keep yourself accountable. Or, join a walking club. 2. Do something different. Change up your route or walk wherever you are.3. Get good shoes. Invest in a good walking shoe: It’s the only piece of equipment you need!4. Track your progress. Start with a goal you know you can reach and then set another.5. Ditch the excuses. Schedule your walking time and always be prepared.

Source: Arthritis Foundation

Sign up for our Walk with Ease program!

Create a routine to stay active and healthy. Learn a safe, relaxing and enjoyable way to make walking part of your everyday life. Make new friends or sign-up with a friend and walk together. The class will help you increase balance, strength and walking pace; build confidence around being physically active and reduce pain and discomfort from arthritis or other health conditions. 

Find a class near you.

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