
Flourish: Mindfulness for weight loss?


Did you know that more than 37% of adults say they have overeaten or have eaten unhealthy foods in the past month because of stress? And, half of them say they do this each week or more often? Source: American Psychological Association

graphic of mindfulness tips

Researchers at North Carolina State University say that mindfulness can work better than other dieting tactics. They analyzed several studies and scientific literature on the subject, and found that not only did mindfulness techniques result in weight loss, but many study participants had kept the weight off several months later.

Check out these four strategies:

  • Focus on eating. Avoid eating in front of the TV or as you scroll on your phone. Why? We tend to overeat when we’re distracted and doing other things during a meal.
  • Eat slowly and mindfully. Chew your food slowly; Take at least 20 minutes to eat your meals or snacks. Pay attention to your food: the taste, texture and smell. Doing these steps can help you avoid overeating, because you’re paying attention to how full you are.
  • Keep tabs on your hunger levels. Are you eating because you’re hungry? Or do you always eat lunch at 11:30, even if you’re not hungry at that time? On the other hand, avoid getting too hungry, because then you’re more likely to overeat or make poor food choices.
  • Learn new ways to deal with stress. If you turn to food when you’re stressed or have an emotional need, make sure you have tools at-the-ready you can rely on to avoid this pattern. Ideas: call a friend, take a short walk or do deep breathing

Source: AARP

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