
“Taking Charge” – Read about Juniper in Minnesota Good Age


The goal? Help people take an active role in improving their health and quality of life through fitness and fall-prevention classes as well as small-group classes on preventing and/or living well with diabetes, chronic pain and other conditions.

People in a Tai Ji Quan class

Excerpt from “Taking Charge: A new, award-winning Minnesota-based program known as Juniper is putting seniors back at the helm of their own health and well-being” in the most recent issue of MN Good Age:

We’re living in treacherous times. A slip becomes a fall, a fall becomes a broken hip and suddenly everything has taken a serious turn for the worse.

Here in the land of 10,000 sidewalks that can remain dangerously icy through April, it can be easy to feel as if you’re at the mercy of raging elements and a faltering body.

But the folks at Juniper have a different idea: You really can live well, even with health challenges brought on by aging.

Juniper, a new program from the Arden Hills-based nonprofit organization Innovations for Aging, takes its name from the long-living, hardy evergreen that’s known for its interconnected structure. Just like the iconic plant, Juniper is becoming known for helping foster long-lasting resilience and stabilizing connections.

Juniper, in partnership with Area Agencies on Aging, acts as a hub for community organizations, health-care organizations and instructors to offer wellness classes statewide.

The goal?

Help people take an active role in improving their health and quality of life through fitness and fall-prevention classes as well as small-group classes on preventing and/or living well with diabetes, chronic pain and other conditions.

Read the full article.

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