
What is your new year's resolution?


Did You Know? The top resolutions reported for 2024 are to improve mental health, lose weight, improve diet and improve finances (ABC27 News).

2024 plan

What is your resolution for 2024?

Consider these tips to choose the right resolution for you.

  1. Pick the right resolution. According to the New York Times, only one-third of resolutions make it past January. This year, make the right resolution by being more specific with your choice. Instead of saying “lose weight,” try putting a number to the amount of weight you would like to lose.
  2. Plan ahead. Instead of waiting until the last minute, try making a schedule for the year. If your resolution is to lose weight, make a goal for each week or month.
  3. Track your progress. Many people gain motivation by seeing how far they have come. Try using a calendar or spreadsheet to visualize your progress and review all your effort, especially when your motivation might be dwindling. Another great way to track your progress is a resolution journal.
  4. Learn and adapt. There may be challenges along the way to your goal. Instead of viewing relapses as failures, look at them as learning opportunities. By understanding the challenges, you can prepare better for the future.

Make joining a Juniper class be your New Year's resolution!

Juniper classes give you the tools you need to take charge of your health and manage it in a way that works best for you and your life. Listen to participants and leaders from our Juniper classes and learn more about our classes.

Class of the week

Older woman in a class listening

Diabetes Prevention Program

Are you worried about type 2 diabetes? The Diabetes Prevention Program is led by a trained facilitator who uses a curriculum developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The program helps you make lasting changes, such as eating healthier, adding physical activity into your daily routine and lowering stress. The results could make a major difference in your quality of life. 

Join a group of people with similar concerns and share ideas with one another about how to lose weight, live a healthier life and lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by half. 

Starts Wednesday, January 10
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Class Leader: Natalie Mathiowetz

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