
Powerful Tools for Caregivers Now Available on Juniper!


Powerful Tools for Caregivers, a six-session class that helps caregivers care for themselves, is now a part of the Juniper family of classes and is being offered across the state through our provider partners.

Two women, care partners

Providing care to a family member or friend can be both rewarding and challenging. You don’t have to do it alone!

Powerful Tools for Caregivers, a six-session class that helps caregivers care for themselves, is now a part of the Juniper family of classes and is being offered across the state through our provider partners.

The class helps caregivers:

  • Improve self-care such as exercise, relaxation and medical check-ups
  • Reduce guilt, anger, and depression
  • Increase self-confidence in meeting the demands of caregiver
  • Get access to local community resources

Download an info sheet.

“Having tools to resolve problems is a definite advantage in becoming a better caregiver and a happier, wiser, healthier me . . .”

See upcoming Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes.

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