Take charge of your health

Flourish: Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner

Did you know? Turkey contains tryptophan, an acid that makes you tired. But what makes you exceptionally sleepy is the amount of food you eat. Read More

Flourish: Skin cancer signs, symptoms, and ways to stop cancer before it starts

An estimated one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, however the risk does not stop then. As we live longer, it’s important to continue protecting our skin as we age. Read More

Conscious Caregiving: Powerful Tools for Caregivers

During the holiday season, many people are visiting older relatives and friends and notice changes. Grandma missed some steps in her Thanksgiving turkey recipe that she's been making for the last 30 years. Or a brother repeatedly forgot recently shared information, like the news that someone passed away or is having a baby. What do these changes mean? Read More

Flourish: National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month

During November, National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness month aims at making the general public more aware of the disease and the scale of it among the U.S. population, as well as bring new light potential care options for those affected. Read More

Flourish: Celebrating Halloween can actually offer several health benefits.

When you think of unhealthy holidays, Halloween may be one of the first to come to mind. With all the high-sugar, empty-calorie treats around, it’s not hard to imagine why. But, believe it or not, celebrating Halloween can actually offer several health benefits. Read More
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